Archive | March, 2015

You are ENOUGH

Do you give yourself positive affirmations daily?  I know… it sounds CRAZY but you actually hear what you tell yourself.  You also believe what you tell yourself!  When you speak positive to yourself you ACT the PART.  When you speak negative that shows too!  Have you ever noticed a very attractive person is actually unattractive […]

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Accountability, Motivation, Inspiration do you have it?

When you think of accountability, motivation, and/or inspiration what comes to mind?  Do you have people in your life that keep you accountable?  Your kids, your best friend, individuals that work with you, or maybe just an acquaintance?  If so what qualities about the individual inspire you? I used to think “I GOT THIS!”  “I […]

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You are ENOUGH

You are ENOUGH!  Don’t let anyone take away your hope, drive, or passion!  You are you!  God made you perfect in His image!  He gave you specific talents and you need to find those talents and USE them! For too many years I have just WISHED about it.  Now I know you can ACHIEVE anything […]

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