Busy Mom on a MISSION

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Being a mom on a mission is NEVER easy.  When you truly believe you can achieve anything no matter how long it takes, you will make a difference.  I was that mom that had lost confidence and self esteem through the whirlwind of my husband and my kids lives.  I felt as though everyone and everything came first and I needed to make their lives a high priority over mine.  However, in the midst of the whirlwind I found a way to regained my confidence and am closer now to that healthy balanced life than I ever have been before!  All it took is for me to change my mindset and realize, YES, I am worth it!  If I could do it you can too!

When I decided to get involved with an understanding community of support and accountability I found myself again.  I took the baby steps needed, made small changes and decided to change my mindset!  I needed to realize I was never going to get my high school body back but I could feel better and be more healthy than I was at 18!  I am not working for perfection I am working toward PROGRESS!  Every day is one step closer to my goals.  When I keep my eye on the prize at the end “BEING HEALTHY and feeling BALANCED” I continue to make gains!  I had to come to the realization that this is a marathon and not a sprint.  It didn’t take me one year to get where I was so….more like 40.  So I need to be encouraged by little gains and not stress when I make little mistakes.  I will get to my goal one step at a time and I assure you that YOU can do it too!  All you need to do is decide….WHY NOT YOU!  Why not now?

When I decided to make time for me and make changes (little changes) magic happened.  When I decided WHY not me, I am good enough, and I can achieve too, that is when I began to see change!  Being a mom is a tough job and if you plan to be a GOOD mom you need to PLAN time for YOU!  Yes, you must make time for you!  You must make time to make yourself happy!  I began to care about ME!  It may sound selfish but if you don’t truly care about you first and take care of YOU first how can you be a good role model.  You know how when you are in an airplane and they direct you to but the oxygen mask on yourself before you assist others!   That goes for YOU too!  You need to make yourself feel good before you can truly help others (friends, spouse, kids, family, etc.).  How do you do that?  Well the way I began was taking the little steps toward getting myself healthy.  I realized I was not sleeping enough, I was not eating enough greens, and I was doing A LOT of negative self talk.  Did I change all of those overnight?  Absolutely not I am still in the midst of changing but I am closer today than I was yesterday!

I encourage you to write down some goal!  Do you want to lose weight?  Do you want to have more time?  Do you want to earn more money?  Do you want to feel BETTER?  Then write down what you are willing to change to get you to your goal!  If you are not willing to put in the work up front than things will never change.  However, if you are ready and you want change I encourage you to take the leap of faith.  I am here to help because I know how you feel!  I also know how you could feel and it is AMAZING!  NEVER give up on your DREAMS!  YOU CAN ACHIEVE all you need to do is BELIEVE in YOU!

If you are ready to commit to change I am here to help you http://bit.ly/1z1mRJQ


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