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Okay Teacher Friends….LET’S TALK!   Summer goes by much to quickly! I remember back when I was teaching and would literally get MAD when August came. I can remember thinking OMG my summer is practically over, then I would try to fit everything into the first three weeks of August knowing I had to report […]

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Get In On Project Structured and Organized NOW! REALITY From the outside our lives appear to be perfect. We may have a husband, a few kids, a car, a house, food on the table…………but on the inside there’s turmoil and chaios. There’s a tornado of emotions and we are watching our lives SPIN out of […]

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7 Day FREE get STRUCTURED & ORGANIZED Get In On Project Structured and Organized NOW! ******REALITY***** From the outside our lives appear to be perfect. We may have a husband, a few kids, a car, a house, food on the table…………but on the inside there’s turmoil and chaios. There’s a tornado of emotions and we […]

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It’s all about the ABS

I don’t know about you but I have struggled with my weight my whole life.  From the time I was a little girl I was always bigger than everyone else.  Not only was I taller but I was heavier too!  I realize NOW that size doesn’t matter but I didn’t back then and it played […]

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Accept your LOSSES

Once I learned to accept the fact that life is HARD, I began to grow.  I began to understand that every problem is also an opportunity to learn, grow, and move closer to success!  My problems made me dig down and discover what I was truly made of.  It made me accept the challenges in […]

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