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Paralyzed? Eleven reasons you may be STUCK

Do you ever have so much to do that you don’t do anything?  Do you ever compare yourself to others and think there is NO WAY that I can do that? Do you ever think WHY ME?  Why now?  Do you ever thing if I fail I’M a FAILURE?  Well you are NOT alone!   […]

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You are ENOUGH

Do you give yourself positive affirmations daily?  I know… it sounds CRAZY but you actually hear what you tell yourself.  You also believe what you tell yourself!  When you speak positive to yourself you ACT the PART.  When you speak negative that shows too!  Have you ever noticed a very attractive person is actually unattractive […]

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Make a “TO DO” List

How do busy moms get stuff done?  There is NO secret ingredient!  It’s called CREATE a “TO DO” LIST!  Do you make “to do” lists?  If not I would highly recommend it!  I never made “to do” lists either until I read the book Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy.  That is where I learned […]

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