Love YOURSELF – 21 Day Challenge

Are you ready to LOVE YOU?  

Join me for 21 days and not only love yourself but love the way you feel too!

Can you relate?

So many times we forget that if we don’t love ourselves and take care of ourselves we have less to give others.  I totally get it!  We are all busy.  We all have tons to do!  Sometimes we just want to sit down and take a break but never have time!  Have you been there?  We are so busy doing for others that the one person we neglect is the most important!  YOU!

You can’t pour from an empty cup!

It’s time to FOCUS on YOU!  That’s right…be grateful for everything you have…start talking kind to you…love you no matter what stage you are at…strive to become better today than you were yesterday…start with baby steps…believe in you…know that you are worth it and fill your cup up!

Let’s focus on SELF-LOVE!  Far to often we forget that we truly need to love ourselves first.  Therefore, this accountability challenge will have a focus around LOVING YOU again!  We will plan to workout 5 days per week from the comfort of your own home.  DON’T worry!  You will be sure to find something you love with the #BOD (beachbody on demand) variety of personal trainers, workouts, and specialized programs.  We will focus on cutting our the junk and adding in a super healthy and nutritious meal replacement shake once per day (I can help you organize your day to be better equipped for success).  We will focus on being grateful, and talking with a positive and kind voice to ourselves.  MINDSET and BELIEF are EXTREMELY important.  Guess what the BEST part will be?  WEEKLY prizes…of course these will only go to those who participate!

Are you ready to put the FOCUS on YOU again?  Are you ready to commit to 30 minutes of exercise 5 times per week?  Are you willing to help boost your energy, mood, metabolism, and immunity with a meal replacement shake (this won’t be added to what you already eat it will truly replace one of your meals).  Are you ready to invest in personal development to really get your mind right and EMPOWER YOU?  For anyone that commits to this 21 day challenge with the all access digital #BOD pass and shakeology I will gift you one of my favorite personal development books.  Either The Compound Effect by Darin Hardy or strengthen your inner self with You Are a BADASS by Jen Sincero.  You choose!

I truly believe when you fuel your mind, body and soul with positive vibes you do better!

If you are ready to commit please fill out this form!

Love Yourself

Are you ready to commit to CHANGE? Do you want to feel strong, fit, and confident? Decide you are WORTH it! Commit to working out 5-6 times per week! Succeed by adding in a super-food meal replacement shake once per day to help keep you energized, regular, and fuel your body with the nutrients it needs and deserves!
  • For a limited time you will have 24/7 complete access to any workout program, plus a cooking show, trainer tips, and so much for for only $100 for the ENTIRE YEAR!
  • This will replace one of your meals and will cost you about $4.25 per meal replacement shake.


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