Tag Archives: Busy mom

No fuel left? Get ORGANIZED!

Boy do I know that feeling! If you are a perfectionist like me you need to make sure everything is cleaned up around you before you can really do anything.  Then on top of that you have to take care of the dog, run the kids to practice, attend games, make dinner, keep your hubby […]

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What is Country Heat by Autumn Calabrese

Do you like Country Music? Do you like to dance? Do you want to spice up your cardio? Do you DISLIKE working out? Do you need your workouts to be fun in order to do them? No matter what your reason, if you are looking for something to spice up your fitness regime or you […]

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When you see an opportunity do you take it?

Every day you are faced with challenges.  If you are like many individuals you HATE to make mistakes and when you do you beat yourself up!  I totally understand, I do the same thing.  However, if we take time to look at our mistakes, evaluate the situation we can gain wonderful wisdom!  As a mom […]

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It’s all about the ABS

I don’t know about you but I have struggled with my weight my whole life.  From the time I was a little girl I was always bigger than everyone else.  Not only was I taller but I was heavier too!  I realize NOW that size doesn’t matter but I didn’t back then and it played […]

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Make a “TO DO” List

How do busy moms get stuff done?  There is NO secret ingredient!  It’s called CREATE a “TO DO” LIST!  Do you make “to do” lists?  If not I would highly recommend it!  I never made “to do” lists either until I read the book Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy.  That is where I learned […]

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