When you see an opportunity do you take it?

Every day you are faced with challenges.  If you are like many individuals you HATE to make mistakes and when you do you beat yourself up!  I totally understand, I do the same thing.  However, if we take time to look at our mistakes, evaluate the situation we can gain wonderful wisdom!  As a mom I have made more mistakes than I would like to remember but through all of my mistakes I continue to become stronger, more compassionate, and have a more complete and balanced life!


Three years ago I decided to leave teaching (my greatest passion to help others achieve) to be a stay at home mom!  With that decision came many challenges:  lack of income, worthless feeling, lack of confidence, and even depression.  I gained 25 pounds in 7 months and felt as though I had hit rock bottom.  That is when life threw me a curve ball.  January 2013 I became a beachbody coach.  I knew I needed to make a difference in my life and thought why not save money too!  We didn’t have extra money but I figured out a way to make it work!  We went from having two incomes and living comfortably to having one income that needed to be stretched and squeezed to the MAX.  That could have been a reason for me to NOT do anything but I was in despite need of CHANGE so I began transforming my body!  I went from my all time highest weight (without being pregnant) to losing 40 pounds in 10 months!  I regained my confidence and found inner strength. Through my transformation I realize that if I could do this so could others and I wanted to pay it forward.  I wanted other woman that felt STUCK to see that they too can change and regain their inner soul and confidence again!


Julie Transformation

When I decided to go all in is when my life CHANGED!  It wasn’t about a number on a scale or the size pant I was wearing, NO, it was about feeling good in my own skin.  It was about being a better mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend!  So I went all in, I began with INSANITY (yup one of the most difficult workouts out there), drinking more water, sharpening up on eating more whole foods – mainly vegetables, and adding in DENSE NUTRITION daily!
Was it hard?  YES!  Changing is hard and be honest; we all want it to happen over night!  Through my transformation I wanted to die during some workouts (but I pushed through), I wanted to eat a bag of chips (but I stayed true to my goals and continued to make small sacrifices), I wanted to drink my diet soda (but continued to add in water), and I even CRIED!  But what I learned through it all is that CONSITENCY pays off!  There were times when I wanted to give up and throw in the towel but I knew, deep down, that I wanted more for myself.  I fault to stick with it and never gave up!  Have a fluctuated 10-12 pounds?  ABSOLUTELY!  I am human!  However, I am healthier today than I have ever been!  I have also realized that by being involved in a support group (online accountability challenges) that I was making better conscious decisions than I would make on my own.  I was meeting new people that shared my same struggles.  They would motivate, inspire, and even encourage me! I knew that with support like this ANYONE could do it!  So I decided WHY NOT ME?  I wanted to share what I was learning, feeling, and experiencing with others! It was NATURAL for me to share my passion for fitness, eating healthier, and gaining inner strength with others!  So my journey began!


I didn’t get started right away, I wanted to change myself first, but I knew that by me changing I would change those around me too!  I wanted to help other people feel the exact same way that I did.  I wanted people to know that there was hope out there for them too!  I wanted people to realize that no matter what…YOU are not STUCK like this forever!  When you are surrounded by a support system it becomes FUN!  Don’t get me wrong it is still HARD but it feels more doable!


Once I began to help more people accomplish their goals I began to feel more empowered myself!  I realized that I have the BEST business opportunity in the palm of my hand and I can either take this opportunity and run with it or I can let it pass me by.  Well I am so thankful I decided to grab it and run!  It has been the BEST decision that I have ever made!  This business has helped pay my mortgage, take me on vacations to Cancun, Las Vegas, and soon Nashville.  It has helped me piece by piece and bit by bit began to create my dream life.  When I read two personal development books:  The Compound Effect by Darin Hardy and The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen I realized that I am in control of my own destiny!


This business is truly about the small seemingly insignificant things that you repeatedly do (like take selfies) over time that compound to bring about success!  So every day I chose to be as INTERESTING as possible on Facebook!  Every day I continue to show up, tired, sick kids, lack of energy and do it anyways.  I continue to share it all and my GOAL is to EMPOWER other people that followed me to know they can make a healthy lifestyle change too! GUESS what?!  It’s working!!!!  A year and a half later the compound effect is taking place!  The more people I talk to and share my story with the more people that decide to change too!  They are joining me on this journey not only to transform physically but to transform financially too!
I didn’t have any networking skills and I really had NO idea how to build a TEAM before becoming a coach. However, I knew that I was passionate about helping people.  So I dug in and began doing personal development daily, learning from those who trudged through the trenches to succeed.  I have self taught myself the skills I need to change my life and others around me.  I continue to grow a very successful business from the comfort of my own home.  Does that mean getting up earlier, going to bed earlier and not watching the blue haze?  You bet!  But I am committed to working now to create the future I want.  Does that mean making sacrifices?  Absolutely!  I am willing to work now so that I can play later!


Over the past year and a half I have learned more from reading personal development books, sharing stories with others, and mentoring than I ever learned through my 18 years of schooling and earning a Master’s Degree.  I want you to know that NO MATTER what level of education you have, no matter what your financial situation is, YOU can change your future! Beachbody is such a great platform, that no matter what your vision for your future is you can use Beachbody to make it come true.

love my job

Whether you are a stay at home mom, a full time working woman with a great job, a fitness instructor, a nutritionist, teacher, doctor or lawyer you can be a Beachbody coach! This business can literally keep you accountable to your health and fitness goals and it can create a seriously substantial income!  It’s up to you!  You get to choose how little or how much you work which determines your bottom line!  You can become VERY successful by laser focused work for 1-2 hours per day or you can become a top earner with a little more focused effort and consistency!  The best part is that once you build this foundation in your business it is the gift that keeps on giving.  You can at any point in time change your intensity, your efforts and you can continue to build a business that blesses you for the rest of your life.


I know it feels like it sounds too good to be true and YES my husband was that GUY that said it was too good to be true~  But he is watching and learning!


Now I want to teach you how to do it too!


Next week beginning Monday, May 18th I’m kicking off what I am calling my “5 day sneak peek into what I do as a coach”. I’m running this closed Facebook group where only the members of the group can see what is being posted.  I’m going to each day post a video that gives you information on:

  1.  How I got started and questions that I was concerned about.
  2. What Coaching is all about and what you actually do as a coach.
  3. How to grow a network, get customers and use social media.
  4. How do you make money as a coach and what is the potential and time commitment.
  5. How to get started, what is the cost and what do I need to do first.You will be able to ask questions, get answers and hear right from me how I built this business with zero experience!This is an AMAZING opportunity and I hope that you join me to see the potential you could have!  http://bit.ly/CoachApprenticeSignUp

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