Accountability, Motivation, Inspiration do you have it?

Inspire you 25 percentWhen you think of accountability, motivation, and/or inspiration what comes to mind?  Do you have people in your life that keep you accountable?  Your kids, your best friend, individuals that work with you, or maybe just an acquaintance?  If so what qualities about the individual inspire you?

I used to think “I GOT THIS!”  “I can do this myself!”  until I realized that I can’t!  I realized the one thing that I was missing was a community of like minded individuals that would hold me accountable!  It has taken me MANY years to come to this realization.  But now that I know that I thrive on the motivation and inspiration of others I can continue to progress towards my goal!

No one is perfect and I can speak first hand about all the mistakes I have made in life!  But mistakes are not what defines you!  How you handle your own mistakes and move on from the struggles you endure will ultimately define YOU!

I challenge you!  Find someone that motivates YOU and follow them on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  Form a relationship with that person, comment and interact on their posts or blog and feel what it feels like to surround yourself with like minded individuals!  You don’t have to do ANYTHING alone!  There are people out there just like you!  Go find them and get inspired!


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