Healthy MOM vs FEAR

Wanted JobHave you ever been afraid to fail?  Have you ever gave up because it seemed impossible?  DON’T be afraid of failure.  DON’T give up because you are so close to change.  Did you know 50 % of the world give up after failing one time?  75 % of the world give up after failing 5 times!  Yes, 98% of the world give up after failing 5 or more times.  What does that tell you?  It tells me that EVERYONE is afraid to fail!  But those individuals that don’t give up, those individuals that figure out 100 different ways not to do something, those individuals that NEVER GIVE UP are the most SUCCESSFUL people in the world!  WHY?  Because they knew the more they failed, the quicker they failed, the more likely they were to achieve success!

I get it!  Failure doesn’t feel good.  Failure sometimes hurts.  BUT…..YOU should never be AFRAID of FAILURE.  Think back to when you were a baby (okay I can’t remember either), so look at a baby you know today.  How many times does that baby try to walk?  Does that baby eventually walk?  Point in CASE!  That baby was not afraid of failure.  In fact that baby didn’t even know what failure was.  All that baby knew was he/she wanted SUCCESS.  He/She wanted to walk all the way across the room to get an ENORMOUS hug from his/her mom or dad!  RIGHT?  So WHAT are YOU afraid of?

Take that LEAP of faith.  Don’t hide in the closet any more!  Put your fears out in front of you and embrace them.  You are more powerful than you realize.  Don’t let others shape your future.  YOU SHAPE others futures!  When I was a teacher I had so many rules to follow, so many test scores to improve, so many people to report to and needed documentation to support my findings.  Then when I wanted to make a difference.  When I decided I wanted to become an Administrator, I FAILED!  Was I hurt?  Hell yes!  Did I feel like a failure?  Hell yes!  But did I give up?  No I lapped FEAR in the face and moved on!  I left my love of teaching to be a more committed mom.  I left the corporate world to be a SAHM.  I was scared to death to give up everything I had; salary, benefits, retirement, friends, and more to stay home and help change the two most important people in my life….MY CHILDREN!  Have you been there?  Do you know the feeling?

Well if I wouldn’t have taken that leap of faith I wouldn’t have the AMAZING life I have today!  Did we have to make HUGE sacrifices?  YES!  Was it worth it?  YES!  Are you unhappy with where you are in life today?  Are other people making decisions for you that you do not agree with?  If the answer is YES I want to tell you that you can do more!  You need to decide what is important to you and chase your dreams!  Don’t feel stuck!  Don’t be miserable at a job you spend most of your time at.  Find your passion!  Find your LOVE and chase your dreams.  I am proof that following your dreams can work!  You may hit a lot of bumps and sharp turns in the road but if you continue to follow your heart, you stay consistent, you will find happiness and balance!  You just have to be willing to put in the work!

I would LOVE for you to join me in a 4 day SNEAK Peek into what I do now!  It has completely changed my life and I have been instrumental in so many more changes in my community!  I decided that I didn’t want to live with FEAR….I wanted to know what if and I found a HEALTHY MOM, ME!

If you are interested in learning more click this link:


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