Lean for Halloween

21 Day LEAN for HALLOWEEN – Stop making excuses and start creating RESULTS


It’s that time of year…GET LEAN for HALLOWEEN!  SEPTEMBER was CRAZY!  You didn’t know you could be in so many places at one time.  Soccer here, cheer there, football over yonder.  It’s never ending.  I totally get it.  I’m a busy mom trying to juggle all the back to school craziness.  NOT to mention all those CRAZY forms they have you fill out – REALLY?!  In this era of technology they can’t access all your info??????  Oh and the dreaded BACK to SCHOOL shopping!  I don’t know about you but that about BREAKS the BANK!  By the time September is over you FINALLY begin to find a routine that works for your family!

So now that you are settled in let’s focus on OCTOBER!  Do you plan to go to any Halloween parties?  Who will you see at the parties?  How do you want to feel at the parties?  ARE YOU READY to stop making EXCUSES and FOCUS on getting the RESULTS you CRAVE?  Put the candy corns down, stop walking by the candy dish at work and saying, “Oh it’s only one it won’t hurt me.” and focus on making a few small sacrifices that will add up over time to get you AMAZING results.  I have this photo on my fridge.


WHY?????  Because this was 2 years ago and I felt AMAZING!  So what happened?  LIFE!  My brother was diagnosed with stage IV liver cancer (CANCER SUCKS) and I lost myself.  At this point in my life I realized I was mortal too (crazy I never had that belief…I must have thought I was super woman).  I began something called “EMOTIONAL EATING”!  Have you ever been there?  You eat just to make yourself feel better and in reality all that happens if you feel WORSE.  You’re mad at yourself for being weak and falling into that pit of emotional eating but for some reason you can’t get out.  The pity party you are throwing seems more important than the end result.

Well I’ve been there.  I’m there now.  It’s time to STOP making excuses and START creating RESULTS.



Are you ready to join me for 21 days of COMMITMENT?

Drop the excuses and only go after the RESULTS you deserve.

21 day Lean for Halloween

If you would like to be the first to know about Autumn Calabrese's newest program Country Heat and be considered for a spot in my exclusive Top Coach Test Group then complete the application below. The program will be released on July 28th, 2016 to Team Beachbody Customers. nnYou must be a team beachbody customer of mine or coach on TEAM Progression to participate.



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