You are ENOUGH


Do you give yourself positive affirmations daily?  I know… it sounds CRAZY but you actually hear what you tell yourself.  You also believe what you tell yourself!  When you speak positive to yourself you ACT the PART.  When you speak negative that shows too!  Have you ever noticed a very attractive person is actually unattractive because of their posture?  Or, have you noticed an average person is VERY ATTRACTIVE because of their posture?  So why is it important to look at yourself in the mirror every day and tell yourself a positive affirmation?  Because if you don’t love yourself, see your good qualities, and know that you are capable of ANYTHING who else will?  You must first convince yourself before anyone else is convinced!

God made you perfect in his own image and gave you unique qualities that make YOU different from anyone else!  When you use the gifts He have you, you become AWESOME!  However, don’t hide your traits because others weighed in with their opinions and told you something negative about those traits!  You were given an innate personality when you were born.  Embrace your qualities and be aware of your limitations!

This world is a tough place, many individuals will put you down, say hurtful words, and hope that they will feel better.  Not because you have done anything wrong but because they have their own insecurities that they are struggling with. Don’t let others opinions predetermine who you are. Be you and embrace your uniqueness! God created you in His perfect image.  BE YOU because YOU are enough!

You are pretty enough.
You are strong enough.
You are smart enough.
You are tall enough.
You are YOU and that is ENOUGH!


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