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CORE De FORCE – Every day is TRAINING day

Click the photo above for more info on how you can join a Core De Force 30 day accountability group to get you KILLER RESULTS! Are you ready to LEVEL UP your fitness? What is CORE DE FORCE? CORE DE FORCE is an explosive mixed martial arts-inspired total body workout designed by Beachbody Super Trainers […]

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Lean for Halloween

21 Day LEAN for HALLOWEEN – Stop making excuses and start creating RESULTS It’s that time of year…GET LEAN for HALLOWEEN!  SEPTEMBER was CRAZY!  You didn’t know you could be in so many places at one time.  Soccer here, cheer there, football over yonder.  It’s never ending.  I totally get it.  I’m a busy mom […]

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When a VISION comes to FRUITION

Sometimes a vision may take a few years to come to fruition. But…if you stay focused, continue to plug away, and never give up a vision can become reality. #workforit #takesavillage #vision Backstory: My passion in life has always been to help people achieve greatness and believe in their own strength to accomplish success (everyone […]

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Health Bet

Are you tired of feeling tired?  Are you exhausted from the summer?  Are you ready to get back to a schedule?  Are you ready to gain energy and feel good in your own skin?  If so read on! I am literally jumping for joy to begin this challenge! Everyone loves an opportunity to win free […]

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When you see an opportunity do you take it?

Every day you are faced with challenges.  If you are like many individuals you HATE to make mistakes and when you do you beat yourself up!  I totally understand, I do the same thing.  However, if we take time to look at our mistakes, evaluate the situation we can gain wonderful wisdom!  As a mom […]

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