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Okay Teacher Friends….LET’S TALK!   Summer goes by much to quickly! I remember back when I was teaching and would literally get MAD when August came. I can remember thinking OMG my summer is practically over, then I would try to fit everything into the first three weeks of August knowing I had to report […]

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When you see an opportunity do you take it?

Every day you are faced with challenges.  If you are like many individuals you HATE to make mistakes and when you do you beat yourself up!  I totally understand, I do the same thing.  However, if we take time to look at our mistakes, evaluate the situation we can gain wonderful wisdom!  As a mom […]

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Struggles Make YOU Stronger

No one said that life was going to be easy.  You get to decide how you handle any situation.  You can both learn and grow from a situation, you can remain the same, or you can digress and wallow in your sorrow or pain…YOUR CHOICE!  No one has control over the way you feel but […]

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Accountability, Motivation, Inspiration do you have it?

When you think of accountability, motivation, and/or inspiration what comes to mind?  Do you have people in your life that keep you accountable?  Your kids, your best friend, individuals that work with you, or maybe just an acquaintance?  If so what qualities about the individual inspire you? I used to think “I GOT THIS!”  “I […]

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